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Parenting in Oz

Parenting in Australia ... a workshop for multicultural families

Parenting in Australia is a FREE workshop that helps you as parents and caregivers to build an understanding of your child and their healthy development.

Our workshops are full of helpful information with a choice of simple, practical strategies that each family can adapt for their own parenting situations.

Topics to support your parenting include:

  • Parenting in a new culture
  • Connecting with children
  • Understanding children’s behaviour
  • Helping children to identify and manage emotions

Our workshops are based on the latest parenting research and use information from Parenting SA.

Light refreshments and crèche provided.
Everyone is welcome, bookings essential.

Please arrive 10 minutes early to register and settle children.

Delivered by the Department of Human Services.

Contact Details

Erica Knapp

0497 898 438


Minor Works Building Community Centre

22 Stamford Court
Adelaide SA 5000

8203 7801


Two-part workshop series; Friday 16 and 23 August from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm



Accessible venue

Key internal signage in braille

Wheelchair access

Accessible lift

Accessible Kitchen facilities

Accessible toilets and changing areas

Dog assistance friendly

Staff have communication access training and tools

Drop off points