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Kuarna Voices Exhibition

Kaurna Voices Exhibition

June at Minor Works Building Community Centre

July at City Library

Come visit the Minor Works Building Community Centre and City
Library to experience an exhibition featuring a visual snapshot of the Kaurna
Voices Cultural Mapping project.

Kaurna Voices has captured Kaurna Cultural heritage through
storytelling and research. It acknowledges and celebrates the Kaurna Community
as the Traditional Owners and Native Title Holders.

The exhibition provides a link to the City of Adelaide website, which features an
interactive map of the city showing sites of cultural and social significance
supported by historical text, archived images, and oral history and video
recordings featuring Kaurna Elders and Community leaders.

Image Credit: Southern Cultural
Immersion capturing Kaurna Elder Uncle Jeffery Newchurch

Contact Details

Minor Works Building Community Centre

(08) 8203 7801


Minor Works Building Community Centre

22 Stamford Court 5000

(08) 8203 7801


Exhibition available for viewing from Monday 2 June until Friday 28 June 2024, Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm at Minor Work building Community Centre. Then City Library from Monday 1 July until Sunday 28 July during library opening hours.


Accessible venue

Key internal signage in braille

Wheelchair access

Accessible lift

Accessible Kitchen facilities

Accessible toilets and changing areas

Dog assistance friendly

Staff have communication access training and tools