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Mens group

Good Better Best Men - Men's Group

Lost in life or lacking purpose? Relationship challenges? Anxious? Depressed?

Has life thrown you a curved ball?

Angry? Isolated? Frustrated? Feel unheard?

A Good Better Best Men circle is a safe, confidential, and respectful space to be real, without judgement or criticism.

It's a place for connection with men, with open hearts, honesty, and sharing what is important to us.

​A men's circle is discovering authentic communication skills, finding the best man, partner, lover, or parent in you.

​Good Better Best Men circles are men journeying to their hearts.

There’s no cost and no booking is required. Just turn up.

If you are unsure or interested and have questions, contact James Davidson -

See you next Thursday!

Contact Details

James Davidson

0403 031 671


Minor Works Building Community Centre

22 Stamford Court
Adelaide SA 5000

(08) 8203 7801


Weekly starting Thursday 23 May from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm


General admission:

Accessible venue

Key internal signage in braille

Wheelchair access

Accessible lift

Accessible Kitchen facilities

Accessible toilets and changing areas

Dog assistance friendly

Staff have communication access training and tools

Drop off points