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Heritage Places of Adelaide

Frontage of Shop (former Sands & McDougall Pty. Ltd. building)

64 King William Street ADELAIDE

State Heritage Place

The former Sands & McDougall building facade is an outstanding and early example of Art Deco architecture in South Australia. The facade is highly intact and demonstrates many of the key attributes of the style, including vertical form; concentration of ornamentation at the top of the building; and stylised decorations made from coloured-pressed Portland cement, copper panels, and metal grilles to the upper storey windows. The Art Deco remodelling of the facade transformed the nineteenth century classical building, eschewing the past and expressing optimism for the future.

Listing Information

  • Date of Listing: 10 December 2020
  • Heritage Listing Criteria:

    Criteria E: it demonstrates a high degree of creative, aesthetic or technical accomplishment or is an outstanding representative of particular construction techniques or design characteristics;

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