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Heritage Places of Adelaide

Captain Charles Sturt Monument

Victoria Square ADELAIDE

State Heritage Place

City Archives, HP1171, circa 1946

City Archives, 3554.024.015, circa 1963

City Archives, 1258ITEM0009[37], circa 1936

The monument to Captain Charles Sturt is of heritage value as a memorial to a significant colonist who completed some of the most noteworthy explorations in Australia and was an important South Australian public administrator. The fact that it was funded by public subscription indicates the regard in which Sturt was held. The location of Sturt's monument is also significant, being located in Victoria Square.

Listing Information

  • Date of Listing: 8 March 2013
  • Heritage Listing Criteria:

    Criteria A: it demonstrates important aspects of the evolution or pattern of the State's history;

    Criteria E: it demonstrates a high degree of creative, aesthetic or technical accomplishment or is an outstanding representative of particular construction techniques or design characteristics;

    Criteria G: it has a special association with the life or work of a person or organisation or an event of historical importance.

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